Installing Netgen from source on Ubuntu 10.4 (or Debian 6.0 Squeeze)

In this example we do everything inside the directory ~/src (~ is a common shell convention to refer to your home directory, it is typically expanded to something like /home/yourusername). You can create the directory with:

cd ~
mkdir src # create the directory, in case it does not exist, yet


You will need to install a number of packages in order to compile Netgen correctly. You can do it with just one line from your shell:

sudo aptitude install tcl-dev tk-dev tix-dev libxmu-dev

Notice that you will need administrator priviledges in order to do that.
You may need to also install libglut-dev and g++ (at least on a clean Debian 6.0 Squeeze installation).

Installing Togl from sources

There is a further requirement which is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. You'll then have to install it by hand. First let's download the package:

cd ~/src
tar xzvf Togl-1.7.tar.gz

Now enter the directory, configure, compile and install.

cd ~/src/Togl-1.7
sudo make install

The last command will require to enter your password (and require you to be an administrator). If everything went as it should, typing the command ls /usr/lib/Togl-1.7 should produce the following output:  pkgIndex.tcl

Installing Netgen from sources

Download the latest Netgen tarball and unpack it under the ~/src directory.

cd ~/src
unzip netgen-4.9.13
cd netgen-4.9.13

Configure, compile and install it:

sudo make install

That will create a directory under /opt. Now get back to the ~/src directory and download a file like this:

cd ~/src

The file should have the following content:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/Togl1.7
export NETGENDIR=/opt/netgen/bin
/opt/netgen/bin/netgen "$@" 

Copy the file in the /usr/bin directory and adjust the permissions with the following two commands:

sudo cp netgen /usr/bin
sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/netgen

You should now be able to launch Netgen from the command line:

you@machine:~$ netgen &
[1] 15400
you@machine:~$ NETGEN-4.9.13
Developed at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
and Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Parsing ng.tcl                                                                                
optfile ./ng.opt does not exist - using default values

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