Probing the magnetization, along a curve, as a function of space and time¶
This is to describe how to probe the magnetization, from the h5 file, along a circular arc. The arc may be replaced with any geometric curve.
Once the magnetization has been obtained it may be Fourier transformed in order to obtain the dispersion.
This script should be saved as and then run with the following command:
nsim <path to the .h5 file> <file in which the probed magnetization is to be saved>
#Import some libraries import math import sys import ocaml from nmag.h5probe import Fields from nmag import float_set from numpy import pi, linspace, cos, sin, subtract, savetxt, size # First we obtain the handler for the fields handler = Fields(sys.argv[1]) #probing along a 90 degree (45 degrees on both sides from the centre) arc along a circle of radius 550 nm and at z=0 angle = float_set([3*pi/4.0, [100], pi/4.0]) R=550 xs=R*cos(angle) ys=R*sin(angle) #idlist to give different instances of time idlist=range(0,10241,1) #Declare some lists for saving purposes vs = [] minit=[];mlist=[] #loading the 0th time step field; The '0' corresponds to the id and not a time value field = handler.set_field_data("m", "Py", 0) #Calculating the field along the arc for the 0th time step; it has to be subtracted from every other time step for i in range(size(xs)): minit.append(ocaml.probe_field(field, "m_Py", [xs[i], ys[i], 0.0])[0][1][1]) #For each time (id) step, the field along the arc is calculated and #the field at the 0th time step is deducted. This field is then appended to a file for t in idlist: field = handler.set_field_data("m", "Py", t) vs=[] for i in range(size(xs)): vs.append(ocaml.probe_field(field, "m_Py", [xs[i], ys[i], 0.0])[0][1][1]); for num in range(size(xs)): mlist.append(subtract(vs, minit)[num]) savetxt(sys.argv[1], mlist)