Nmag Wiki¶
About this Wiki, including: how to contribute
Release candidate¶
Please find development snapshots at http://nmag.soton.ac.uk/nmag/snapshots
Recipes, useful info¶
Old entries that have been included in the Documentation of Nmag-0.2:¶
User query: Applied field changing in time and space
Saving data in directory other than current working one
How to check the convergence of the simulation
How to visualise the difference between two fields defined on the same mesh?
How to reload an h5 file, sample it along arbitrary points and save to VTK
User contributed¶
Compile Nmag with BLAS/LAPACK versions downloaded automatically by PETSc
Installation issues¶
Reporting a bug to the Nmag developers
What to do if compilation of HLib fails
Compilation of Nmag on Ubuntu 11.04 (and possibly recent systems)
Compiling on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
Recompiling Nmag after a change in the source
Installing Netgen from source on Ubuntu 10.4 (or Debian 6.0 Squeeze)
User contributed¶
Patch to solve a issue arising when dealing with periodic systems